Sharing an interview with Jim Collins (author of Good to Great) and his insights on managing in uncertain times.
When facing uncertainty, a less obvious and uncomfortable approach for creating differential value is…
“in an uncertain world, there’s this very weird paradox of, on the one hand, placing really big bets, and, on the other, protecting your flanks against downside events, and putting both of those together.”
If you’re going to make the big bet of going to the South Pole in 1911, use dogs and sleds (a proven strategy for the frozen terrain) like Roald Amundsen did to make the round trip safely.
How do you place big bets at challenging moments when you may be most inclined to scale back conservatively?
Which insight, if implemented, would have the most impact on your status quo?
With so much attention already focused on risk mitigation, what are the big, calibrated bets that you should be making now to set up future success – business and personal?