Insane Progression Towards Your Why

Source: Pixabay

I have a confession…

I enjoy watching the Winter Olympics

And I love watching Halfpipe.

Amazing athletes compete on the edge of “what is” possible.

And, I admire how they still push for what’s referred to as “PROGRESSION.”

Being the first to innovate, compete, or complete a new, more insane trick.

For them, it’s all about continuing to go bigger, harder and adding more.

No one is satisfied with or confined by their status quo

or the boundaries of “what is” possible today.

The Halfpipers provide us with an inspirational example of the power of PROGRESSION!

Should we all be a bit more like Shaun White and Chloe Kim

by pushing for PROGRESSION in our lives?

What does PROGRESSION look like for you?

How do you take a step further on the things that matter most to you?

Even if you don’t ever complete your equivalent of the Triple Cork, you’ll be better off for trying.


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