ALIEN Thinking Creates Disruptive Innovation & Amazing Results

If you want to innovate and make discoveries like penicillin, is out of the box thinking enough, or should you use next level ALIEN Thinking?

What is ALIEN Thinking?

Attention: Knowing how to actively look for the problems/things worth solving and improving

Levitation: Moving from understanding observations to gaining insights

Imagination: Connecting unrelated “dots” from different areas to envision what doesn’t exist.

Experimentation: Testing how to take an idea to a workable solution (use iteration)

Navigation: Steering past obstacles to find a way for your solution to move forward

What are Lessons Learned about innovation from the discovery of penicillin?

  1. Be curious and apply fresh eyes throughout the ALIEN Thinking process
  2. Touch all the bases/aspects of ALIEN Thinking
  3. Build teams with members excel at an aspect of ALIEN Thinking
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