Result of Relative Social Media Value? | Signal App’s Meteoric Rise

A chart showing Signal App's Crazy Meteoric Rise in app downloads relative to its competitors for Jan 2021 is an example of  Relative Social Media Value
Signal App’s Crazy Meteoric Rise | Result of Relative Social Media Value?

Building and protecting competitive adv/economic moats by developing the right KPIs, data, and stretch objectives to run the business and mitigate risk to external threats should supercharge decision-making.

Because markets, consumer preferences, and competitive advantage can change rapidly, Signal’s recent meteoric rise in the private messaging space reminds us how relative strength comparison matters to understanding business risk…

1. Your User’s CX ≥ The Competition’s User CX?
2. Your Positive Social Media Buzz ≥ The Competition’s Positive Social Media Buzz?
3. Your Talent ≥ The Competition’s Talent?
4. Your Innovation Rate ≥ The Competition’s Innovation Rate?
5. Your Digital Capability ≥ The Competition’s Digital Capability?
6. Strength of Your Balance Sheet ≥ Strength of The Competition’s Bal Sht?
7. Your Mfg Cost ≤ The Competition’s Mfg Cost?
8. Your Customer Mix ≥ The Competition’s Customer Mix?
9. Your Supply Chain’s Resilience ≥ The Competition’s Supply Chain Resilience?
10.Your Distribution Channel’s Resilience≥ The Competition’s Distribution Channel Resilience?

Mitigating blind spots and deficiencies to the above questions should be opportunities to become less fragile. Thoughts?

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