Capturing Beautiful Diversity of Thought on an iPhone!

The reflection of a tree in a sidewalk puddle at sunset
Sidewalk Reflection by anonymous

3 things you can learn about the diversity of thought from this picture…

  1. Beauty is everywhere around you. Just look!
  2. Talent often hides in plain sight. Find it!
  3. Others may see what you cannot see. Value Diversity of Thought!

The story behind the picture is…

  1. The picture is of a puddle reflection on a neighborhood sidewalk at sunset.
  2. The teenage artist has never taken a photography class.
  3. I was walking with the artist when she paused to take a picture that I didn’t see.

The simple and timely reminder of the value of diversity is great to reflect upon, literally. Be open to accept it, encourage, and build diverse teams to benefit from its potential. You may like the results!

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