The Chicken-and-the Egg – A Great Lesson in Data Validity?

What came first? The chicken or the egg?

A chicken standing over 4 eggs nestled in a straw bed
Adobe Stock

Can the data and evidence presented sometimes distract us?


A baby chicken standing on green grass next to 2 open halves of an egg. Just emerged
Adobe Stock

Because there may be data and evidence available that supports another possible conclusion.

This situation can occur in business conflicts. Beware of small samples and always confirm and challenge as required, the logic, validity, and value of data and evidence used to support negotiation leverage before accepting, applying or extrapolating it.

Also, is the question answered by the data and evidence relevant to the root cause of the issue – is it the right question?

Btw. Science supports that the egg came first, although the debate may be an evolutionary one – from which bird egg?

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